.Net, ASP.Net, C#, VB.net, SQL Server, Xml, CSS, Design Patterns related tips, tricks, code snippets, articles, links, thoughts, etc. from Binu & Subi Thayamkery.

Binu Thayamkery is a seasoned software architect with more than 13 years of experience in developing enterprise grade connected systems using Microsoft Technologies. In his current position as a lead consultant-solution architect with Prudential Financial, he is working on architecture of next generation investment reporting framework using .net 3.5/WCF/AJAX, etc. He holds a Masters Degree in Computer Science from Colorado State University. Subi Thayamkery is an experienced software developer with more than 8 years of developing various application software systems ranging from workflow automation systems to compliance management tools. She currently works as a technology consultant for Prudential Financial where she helps develop a new system for corportate governance department. She holds an Electrical Engineering degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Understanding JSON

Here is a link where Javascript Object Notation (JSON) is explained well. Also, it has a good collection of related links.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Simple Cascading Drop Down List using ASP.Net AJAX - Part 2

Earlier post we saw, how to do a simple cascaded dop down using ASP.Net AJAX. In this post we will modify that

code to use JSON to pass objects back from server side to client side. (Read more about JSON )here.)

is the server side code (explanations inline),

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


/* This is our entity object. IComparable implementation helps me to

     * sort the list of cars using its "Make" property. Also another point to note here is that

     * I have used "Automatic Properties" feature of C# 3.0 (More about new features of C# 3.0 in

     * a later post :)


    class Car : IComparable<Car>


public string Make { get; set; }

public string Model { get; set; }

        #region IComparable<Car> Members

int IComparable<Car>.CompareTo(Car other)


return Make.CompareTo(other.Make);




/* This is the web method we will be calling from our javascript code. WebMethod attribute

     * makes it a web service method and ScriptMethod makes it visible to Javascript


    [System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute(), System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethodAttribute()]

public static string GetModelsJSON(string key)


/* Next couple of calls are basic setup of data for this, MakeList() creates a list of

         * Car objects, SearchModel will get a subset of that list using the key passed from

         * client script


        List<Car> cars = MakeList();

        List<Car> selected = SearchModel(cars, key);

/* Now we create a JSON string that will be sent back to calling JavaScript code.

         * Read more on JSON Specification => http://www.json.org/


        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


foreach (Car car in selected)


            PropertyInfo[] properties = car.GetType().GetProperties();

            sb.Append (

foreach (PropertyInfo p in properties)




"\""+p.GetValue(car, null)+"\"");



            sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1,1);

            sb.Append (


        sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1,1);


return (sb.ToString());


/* Methods I was mentioning earlier on...Search for cars

     * This method uses an anonnymous method to delegate FindAll


    private static List<Car> SearchModel(List<Car> cars, string key)



        List<Car> selectedCars =


delegate(Car car)


return (car.Make == key);


return (selectedCars);


private static List<Car> MakeList()


        List<Car> cars =
new List<Car>();

        Car car =
new Car();

        car.Make =

        car.Model =
"330 i";


/* Add more cars */

        return (cars);


/* Set up drop down lists on Page_Load


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (!IsPostBack)


//Populate "One"

            One.Items.Add(new ListItem("BMW", "BMW"));

new ListItem("Audi", "Audi"));

new ListItem("Honda", "Honda"));

new ListItem("Pick One", ""));

            One.Items[3].Selected =

new ListItem("Pick One", ""));

//add attribute for "One"

            One.Attributes.Add("onchange", "return getModels();");




this much is done, server side code is complete. Run it at this point.

You will get a client script error when you change the first drop down list..

Adding Javascript code will take care of that... getModels() method
is called

each time when you pick a
new item from the list. This method calls the web method

and result returned
is an JSON string. You can use eval('(' + result + ')') or

true); to invoke Javacript

compiler to convert JSON
string to object.

is my code for aspx page...


        <asp:ScriptManager ID=
"sm" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true" >


        <script language=
"javascript" type="text/javascript" >

//This is the mehod called from first drop downs "onchange" event

        function getModels()


            var makelist = document.getElementById(

// get selected car make from dropdown list

            var key = makelist.options[makelist.selectedIndex].value;

// call the method on the server and wait till the code

            // has completed its execution.



        function OnGetModelsComplete(result)




                var o = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize(result,




        function PopulateModels(o)


            var models = document.getElementById(

for (var count=models.options.length-1;count > -1; count--)

                models.options[count] =

            var idValue;

            var textValue;

            var optionItem;

for(i = 0; i < o.Models.length;i++)


                textValue = o.Models[i].Model;

                idValue = o.Models[i].Make;

                optionItem =
new Option( textValue, idValue,  false, false);

                models.options[i] = optionItem;




        <asp:DropDownList ID=
"One" runat="server">

        </asp:DropDownList><br />

        <asp:DropDownList ID=
"Two" runat="server">



Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update to post: HOWTO: Get rid of " Could Not Establish Trust Relationship with Remote Server" error

Read original post here.
Older methods are now obselete. Use the following...

+= new System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(RemoteCertValidateCallback);

and callback method...

public static bool RemoteCertValidateCallback(object sender, X509Certificate cert, X509Chain chain, System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors error)


return true;


or you can simply use (in c# only) anonnymous method,




object sender,

X509Certificate cert,

X509Chain chain,

SslPolicyErrors error


return (true); };